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Craigslist Nc Obx browse and post ads for cars, furniture, electronics, services, and more on the outer banks of north carolina. find housing options on the outer banks of north carolina, from apartments and condos to houses and lots. browse and post ads for cars, furniture, electronics, services, and more on the outer banks of north carolina. Browse by category, location, pay, and date posted. browse the latest posts of items for sale on the outer banks of north carolina. find various types of apartments and houses for rent in the outer banks area of north carolina on craigslist. find and browse vacation rentals on the outer banks of north carolina on craigslist. See photos, prices, locations and. Find metal buildings, carports, garages, sheds,. find jobs, housing, for sale, services, community, and events in the outer banks of north carolina. craigslist north carolina offers local classifieds and forums for jobs, housing, for sale, services, and community events. find the latest job listings in the outer banks area of north carolina on craigslist.